Milovan Farronato : Your training was in Milan, at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, where you studied with Alberto Garutti. You belong to the Via Fuggi generation, but you were never a part of that. Milan was also the scene of your first personal and artistic exploits. Furthermore, it’s where you live. What role if any has this city played in your artistic development?
Maybe Milan makes you feel a sense of alarm, deep down
Roberto Cuoghi : The role of the city isn’t clear to me. I grew up on the outskirts of a provincial city and I felt constantly surrounded by lawns and flower beds, and flower beds remind me of how rules get made. Instead I want to make my own rules, and Milan didn’t make me lose time because it made me feel like a fly in the ointment. I know all the bathhouses in Milan; years ago I didn’t come back to sleep for days, that’s why I am more discreet these days. Now I go where I have to go and come back right away because I know exactly where to go and how to get back as quickly as possible. I really do live like an insect and I feel the obligation to go all the way. It’s still my city, but I am not interested in in cities. If the guy at the newsstand tries to chat. I go to another newsstand.