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Light grey

Light grey

If I had to associate a color with Milan, my – typically Japanese – answer would be light grey, as a background on which all colors can fit. I arrived in Milan in ’89. At that time, most of the famous brands were still led by the founding entrepreneurs who certainly knew the history of design much better than I did. They were truly passionate experts of design and working with them has been extremely stimulating.

I noticed huge differences in the way Japanese and Italian companies make decisions. In Italy the decision usually falls on one person : the entrepreneur. The decision is very intuitive and subjective. In the end though beauty is very subjective.

Does Milan remain the capital of design? Yes, I believe it does. Not so much as the epicenter it once was, but rather as a platform. Many cities around the world have tried to imitate Milan’s design week without ever succeeding.

That intensity, that dimension, that madness almost doesn’t exist anywhere else and it does not stem from Milan’s or Italy’s designers. Most people come from abroad essentially to be part of it.


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